A hypoallergenic cat is a feline breed that produces fewer allergens, such as Fel d 1 protein, compared to other breeds, making them a more suitable companion for individuals with cat allergies. These breeds, while not completely allergen-free, significantly reduce the risk of allergic reactions, providing an opportunity for allergy sufferers to enjoy the companionship of a furry friend. The term “hypoallergenic” implies a decreased risk, not the absence of allergens. The allergens can be found in the cat’s dander, saliva, and urine. It’s important to understand that individual reactions to these breeds can vary, and spending time with a cat of a hypoallergenic breed before adopting is always a wise decision.

11 Cats That Are ‘Hypoallergenic’

Indeed, there are 11 cat breeds that are often considered ‘hypoallergenic’ due to their lower levels of Fel d 1, the primary allergen found in cats. These include the Balinese-Javanese, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Siberian, Bengal, Burmese, Siamese, Oriental Shorthair, Russian Blue, Ocicat, and Sphynx. Each breed exhibits a unique charm, yet they all share the common trait of producing fewer allergens, making them a more suitable choice for individuals with allergies. However, it’s crucial to remember that no cat breed is completely hypoallergenic, and individual reactions can vary. Always spend time with a breed before bringing one home to ensure it’s a good fit for your allergy sensitivities.


The Sphynx cat, renowned for its lack of fur, is a fascinating choice for allergy sufferers. Despite their exposed skin, Sphynxes are a hypoallergenic breed due to their minimal dander production. Their hairless nature necessitates regular bathing to remove body oils, which inadvertently aids in allergen reduction. These cats are known for their playful, affectionate nature and distinctive appearance, making them a unique and allergy-friendly companion.

Siamese Cat

On the other hand, the Siamese cat, with its striking blue eyes and short, fine coat, is another hypoallergenic breed to consider. Siamese cats produce fewer Fel d 1 protein, a common allergen in cats, compared to many other breeds. They are also low shedders, further reducing the potential for allergenic reactions. Siamese cats are known for their sociability, intelligence, and vocal nature, attributes that, combined with their hypoallergenic properties, make them a compelling choice for those with allergies.

Bengal Cat

The Bengal cat, a strikingly beautiful breed, is a hybrid of domestic cats and the Asian Leopard Cat. Known for their wild-like markings and shimmering, ‘glittered’ coat, Bengals are not only visually stunning but also possess a playful and intelligent nature. Although they are not officially recognized as hypoallergenic, many owners report fewer allergic reactions to Bengals. This is likely due to their short, pelt-like fur which sheds less and holds fewer allergens. However, it’s important to remember that hypoallergenic doesn’t mean allergy-free, and reactions can vary from person to person.

Balinese Cat

On the other hand, the Balinese cat, a long-haired descendant of the Siamese, is often celebrated as a hypoallergenic breed. Despite their luxurious, silky fur, Balinese cats produce fewer Fel d1 protein, the most common allergen in cats, making them a more suitable choice for allergy sufferers. They are renowned for their striking blue eyes, graceful body structure, and affectionate nature. The Balinese are also highly intelligent and social, often forming strong bonds with their human companions. Just like with Bengals, the term ‘hypoallergenic’ doesn’t guarantee an allergy-free experience, but Balinese cats tend to cause fewer allergic reactions.

Russian Blue

The Russian Blue, with its plush, shimmering coat of a unique bluish-silver hue, is indeed one of the hypoallergenic breeds that could be a perfect fit for those with allergies. This breed is known for producing fewer of the Glycoprotein Fel d 1, a common allergen found in cats, which makes them a suitable choice for allergy sufferers. These captivating felines are not only famous for their hypoallergenic traits, but also for their intelligent, affectionate nature, and striking green eyes. They are medium-sized cats with muscular bodies, fine bones, and a short, dense coat that stands out from the body, giving them a plush feel. With a Russian Blue, you get a low-allergen cat with a personality that’s as elegant as its luxurious coat.

Oriental Shorthair

On the other hand, the Oriental Shorthair, a breed known for its sleek elegance and vibrant personality, is also a hypoallergenic cat that could be an ideal companion for individuals with allergies. The Oriental Shorthair produces fewer allergenic proteins, making them a less likely trigger for allergy symptoms. Their fine, short coats require minimal grooming, which also helps to reduce the spread of allergens around the home. These cats are characterized by their slender bodies, almond-shaped eyes, and large, pointed ears, which give them a distinctive, exotic appearance. Their playful, sociable nature, combined with their hypoallergenic qualities, makes the Oriental Shorthair a wonderful choice for those seeking a low-allergen feline friend.

Javanese Cat

When it comes to the Javanese cat, this feline is a breath of fresh air for those who suffer from allergies. This breed, a cousin of the Siamese, is known for its medium-long coat that lacks an undercoat. The absence of an undercoat means less dander, which is often the cause of allergic reactions. These enchanting creatures, with their striking blue eyes and sinewy, graceful bodies, are not only hypoallergenic but also possess a captivating personality. They are known for their vocal nature, intelligence, and playful demeanor, making them a delightful addition to any household. It’s a win-win situation for cat lovers with allergies; you get to share your home with a feline friend without the constant worry of sneezes and sniffles.

Cornish Rex

On the other hand, the Cornish Rex, with its distinctive curly coat, is another excellent choice for allergy sufferers. This breed’s unique coat is made up of down hairs only, which are the soft, fine undercoat hairs in most cats. The Cornish Rex’s lack of guard hairs and awn hairs – the two other layers found in most cat coats – results in less shedding and fewer allergens released into the environment. These cats, with their wavy fur, bat-like ears, and playful personalities, are akin to living pieces of art. They are known for their high energy levels, acrobatic abilities, and affectionate nature. Choosing a Cornish Rex means choosing a life full of fun, love, and fewer allergy symptoms, making this breed a purr-fect match for individuals with allergies.

Devon Rex

When it comes to hypoallergenic feline companions, the Devon Rex is a breed that stands out. Known for their elfin-like features and playful personalities, these cats are a delight for allergy sufferers. The secret behind their hypoallergenic nature lies in their unique coats. Unlike other breeds, the Devon Rex has less fur, and what they do have is curly. This structure reduces the amount of Fel d 1 – the primary allergen found in cats – that they produce. Plus, their grooming habits are less vigorous, so fewer allergens are released into the environment. Their low-maintenance grooming needs and hypoallergenic nature make them an ideal choice for those who love cats but struggle with allergies.

Siberian Cat

Switching gears to the majestic Siberian cat, this breed is also a solid choice for those with allergies. Siberians are renowned for their luxuriously thick coats and robust health, but surprisingly, they produce fewer allergens compared to many other breeds. In fact, Siberians produce less Fel d 1 protein, which is the main culprit behind allergic reactions to cats. This makes them a more tolerable option for individuals with mild to moderate allergies. However, it’s important to note that individual reactions can vary, so spending time with a Siberian cat before adopting is advisable. Despite their dense fur, their lower allergen production and gentle, affectionate nature make Siberians a wonderful addition to households with allergy sufferers.


Among the pantheon of hypoallergenic feline breeds, the LaPerm holds a special place, particularly for those with allergies. This unique breed is characterized by its distinct curly hair, which, unlike other cats, sheds minimally, thereby reducing the amount of dander in the environment. The LaPerm’s luxurious, wavy coat is a result of a natural mutation, giving each cat a unique, individualistic look. Despite their exotic appearance, LaPerms are known for their affectionate nature and playful demeanor, making them an excellent choice for cat lovers who are sensitive to allergens.

Tips for Adopting a Hypoallergenic Cat

When it comes to adopting a hypoallergenic cat, there are several key considerations to keep in mind in order to ensure a smooth and successful transition. Firstly, it’s crucial to spend time with the cat before adoption, as individual reactions to different breeds can vary. Even hypoallergenic breeds can cause mild reactions in some people, so it’s important to ensure that the specific cat you choose is a good fit for your allergy profile. Secondly, remember to maintain a clean environment. Regular grooming of your cat, coupled with frequent cleaning of your home, can significantly reduce allergens. Lastly, consult with a reputable breeder or a cat specialist to understand the specific needs of hypoallergenic breeds. This will help you provide the best possible care for your new feline companion, ensuring a harmonious relationship between you and your hypoallergenic cat.

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